Lift Certification Program

Our goal is to ensure the public is safe when they ride elevators and escalators. Neighborhood Services oversees a Lift Inspection Certification Program designed to insure all elevators, escalators, freight lifts, wheelchair lifts and dumbwaiters are properly inspected and certified. This State-mandated program is designed to maximize safety at all locations within Prince William County and elsewhere in Virginia. Inspections are conducted by approved private inspection companies and certificates are issued by Neighborhood Services on behalf of the County's Building Official.

All property owners receive a notice that an inspection is due; Reminders, invoices and the County Lift Certificates can be sent electronically or by mail. Property owners are encouraged to provide feedback as process improvement is a priority. Questions and comments can be directed to Neighborhood Services at 703-792-7018 and ask for the Lift Coordinator. Please notify us of any address or ownership changes so that we can ensure you receive all inspection reminders and invoices timely.

Full details about the Lift Inspection Certification Program

Pursuant to the requirements of the § 606.1 of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, Part III, every commercial elevator, dumbwaiter, freight lift, wheelchair lift or escalator shall be

  • maintained in compliance with section ASME A 17.1.
  • inspection and tests shall be performed every 6 months as required by the Prince William County Division of Building Development and administered by Neighborhood Services for all commercial elevators, escalators, freight lifts and wheelchair lifts and once a year for all dumbwaiters
  • a current Lift Certificate must be on display at all times or made available for public inspection.

Property owners shall obtain the required inspections from a company licensed to perform inspections and submit the approved test results along with an administrative fee made payable to Prince William County Neighborhood Services Division. Please contact the Lift Coordinator at [email protected] for the current administrative fee amount as the fees are subject to change. A reminder letter will be sent to property owners who own buildings with regulated lifts which provides the date when fees and inspection reports are required to be completed and submitted. To insure your certificate is properly processed, please return the attached invoice along with the test results and fee to the following address:

Prince William County
Neighborhood Services
5 County Complex Court, Suite 280
Prince William, VA 22192

Credit cards payments are accepted over the phone by contacting Neighborhood Services at 703-792-7018 during normal business hours. Upon receipt of the approved test results and the administrative fee, the Lift Inspection Certificate will be issued. The certificate must be kept on display within the elevator, dumbwaiter, freight lift, wheelchair lift or escalator, or made available for public inspection. In the event a lift fails inspection, it must be repaired and reinspected within 30 days.

PLEASE NOTE that failure to obtain the Elevator Certificate on or before the DATE REQUIRED can result in the Lift equipment and/or building being posted as unsafe, placed out of service where continued use or occupancy is prohibited, AND MAY ALSO RESULT IN CIVIL PROSECUTION WITH PENALTIES OF UP TO $2,500 PER VIOLATION, or civil action with fines up to $4,000 per violation.

If you have any questions regarding this mandated Lift Certificate Program, please contact the Lift Coordinator at [email protected] or 703-792-7018.