PWC Code of Conduct

Department of Parks & Recreation Spectator Code of Conduct Mutual respect makes it possible for everyone to enjoy park/facility amenities and services. At the Department of Parks & Recreation, we strive for every customer to experience the joy and satisfaction of activity and enrichment. In order to preserve that opportunity, we ask customers to be respectful of each other and behave in a manner that does not disrupt other customers or staff. The Department of Parks & Recreation is responsible for establishing the rules for public behavior in the park facilities that are necessary to:
•  Promote a safe environment for park/facility visitors, employees, officials, and volunteers

•  Create an environment that is conducive for park/facility employees and volunteers to conduct park/facility business without interference

•  Encourage the use of amenities, equipment, services and websites by the greatest number of individuals

•  Staff are required to bring to an individual’s attention any act which violates these rules. Individuals will be asked to change the problem behavior to conform to the rules. If such change is not made, that individual will be asked to leave the property. Some incidents may be severe enough to warrant removal form the premise and may include the issuance of a no trespass order.

•  Behavior that interferes with others includes, but is not limited to:

•  Harassing others. Deliberate repeated behavior that is intimidating, hostile, offensive, or adversely impacts staff or officials’ work performance including shouting, cursing, or other aggressive mannerisms or gestures.

•  Engaging in or soliciting any sexual act. Indecent exposure.

•  Fighting, challenging someone to a fight, physical abuse or assault.

•  Possessing, distributing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.

•  Possessing weapons, dangerous ordnance, explosive devices (including fireworks),knives with a blade length over 2 inches or other items that a reasonable person would consider to be dangerous to themselves or others in a public environment where children may be present. Violation of the posted concealed weapons prohibition.

•  Profane, obscene or abusive language, racial, ethnic or sexual orientation epithets.

•  Gambling, panhandling or soliciting money.

•  Use of the internet for unlawful purposes as defined by federal, state and local laws.

•  Damaging or destroying any property belonging to Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, another visitor, officials, or staff. Improper use of amenities.

•  Theft of personal or park/facility property.

•  Insufficient supervision of children; Youth under the age of 12 must be directly supervised by a responsible person 16yr or older.

•  Bringing animals, other than approved service animals, into aquatic or indoor facilities.

•  Sleeping in the park/facility.

•  Distributing/posting unauthorized printed materials. (Materials must be submitted or reviewed and approved for posting and distribution.)

•  Inducing panic. False 911 or emergency calls.

•  Other acts disruptive to customers and staff.

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