Make a Positive Difference with Young People by Volunteering with 4-H

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The Prince William County 4-H programs offer youth ages 5-19 opportunities to gain knowledge, leadership skills and community service experience through hands-on projects and activities. 4-H is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Cooperative Extension and by local government. 

4-H youth use their head, heart, hands and health in all that they do while focusing on the four pillars of 4-H:  Stem, Agriculture, Citizenship and Healthy Living.  4-H curriculum is research based and supported by the work of the USDA and the land grant university system. That knowledge supports the local clubs, summer camps, school enrichment programs and unique learning experiences to ensure 4-H youth grow into leaders for the present and become contributing citizens for the future.

Adult volunteers are an important part of 4-H, making a positive difference in the life of youth today.  By sharing their skills, personal and professional knowledge and active support with youth, adult volunteers add value to those 4-Hers and to the greater community. Volunteer opportunities can include project and club leadership, serving as contest judges, hosting youth in work environment for career exploration or teaching a workshop about your hobby, work or passion areas. More than 500,000 adult volunteers mentor the 6 million 4-H youth active today. 

No matter your age or profession, you can make a difference by volunteering today.  The 4-H office provides training in specialized curriculum and in positive youth development strategies. All volunteers will have the support they need to be successful in 4-H.

Click here to learn more about volunteering with 4-H.

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