New Joint Environmental Taskforce Will Address Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability

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There is scientific consensus regarding the reality of climate change and the recognition that human activity, especially the combustion of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases, is a key driver of climate change. To affect change surrounding these issues in Prince William County, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors authorized the creation of a Joint Environmental Taskforce (JET) with the Prince William County School Board on June 22, 2021. The first JET meeting was held at the Kelly Leadership Center, 14715 Bristow Rd., Manassas VA, at 6:00 p.m. on Feb. 9, 2023, to address sustainability, clean energy opportunities and operational resiliency for all government and school buildings and services. This joint effort will leverage the assets of the entire county to reduce the costs of moving toward clean energy options.

The mission of the JET is to collaboratively unify the political, operational, and administrative capabilities of the county and school division to proactively and equitably address climate change and environmental sustainability. The JET will provide a forum for informing, advising, collaborating and addressing countywide issues and aligning institutional policies and practices pertaining to climate change and environmental sustainability through the equity lens being continuously applied by the county and PWCS.

“In 2020, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors adopted the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s Climate Mitigation and Resiliency goals of reducing the county’s greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 from a 2005 baseline and becoming a Climate Ready Region and making significant progress to be a Climate Resilient Region by 2030,” remarked Chair At-Large Ann Wheeler. “Additionally, the Board adopted the goals of 100% of Prince William County’s electricity to be from renewable sources by 2035, for Prince William County Government operations to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2030, and for Prince William County Government to be 100% carbon neutral by 2050.

Though ambitious, we believe that an evidence-based approach implemented jointly with the Prince William County School Board will yield success for current and future generations.”

The Prince William County Comprehensive Plan includes an Environment Plan designed “to ensure that in developing the county, the natural beauty is preserved, water quality is protected, property values and quality of life are enhanced, and ecological diversity is preserved." The JET will help to achieve the Board’s countywide commitment to the need to incorporate equity principles and environmental justice into the Community Energy and Sustainability Master Plan as well as the entire Environment Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.

The JET will be made up of no more than 14 volunteer members appointed by the Board of County Supervisors and Prince William County School Board; by the County Executive and Superintendent; by the Prince William Sustainability Commission and Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Suitability; and a school-aged appointee each made by the Board of County Supervisors and School Board. Meetings will be open to the public. Visit for future meeting dates and additional details.

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