Archery - A Sport for Everyone

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Both kids and adults alike can test their balance, coordination, agility and mental strength among other skills though the sport of archery. Archery by definition is the practice of using a bow to shoot arrows. The word comes from the Latin arcus, meaning ‘bow’. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity. 

Whether you want to learn archery for fun or possibly competitively, it is a sport that anyone can learn. Prince William County Parks, Recreation and Tourism is proud to offer archery classes and camps that are taught by USA Archery certified instructors.

“Archery is a safe, fun sport and with practice, it always allows you the chance to get better at it,” says Kelly Wilbanks, a Level 2 certified instructor who has been teaching archery in Prince William County for about 2 ½ years.

Wilbanks first became interested in the sport after learning more about it from a colleague who was an instructor, so she decided to get certified and currently teaches archery at our various classes and camps throughout the year. 

When asked what beginners at the sport are most surprised or challenged by she says, “Many people find that putting the arrow on the bow can be difficult at first but we have bows of different draw weights for younger children,” says Wilbanks. “And seeing the kids when they get it and they hit the target or even get a bullseye—it’s a blast to be able to help these kids have that ‘wow’ moment.”

Prince William County Parks has beginner and intermediate classes and camps coming up this summer. We even family archery classes so parents can learn alongside their children. Classes do tend to fill up quickly so anyone interested is urged to register soon.

For anyone thinking about taking a class, Wilbanks says, “Archery is a sport where nobody starts as an expert. Come out and give it a try. All our instructors are really patient and we’ll help you one-on-one to get that first shot.”

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