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    U.S. Passport Services will be closed from Saturday, March 1-Sunday, March 16. Appointments can be made at pwcva.gov/library beginning Monday, March 17. READ MORE.

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    Check out the Adult Writing Contest winning entries. READ MORE.

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    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

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    U.S. Passport Services will be closed from Saturday, March 1-Sunday, March 16. Appointments can be made at pwcva.gov/library beginning Monday, March 17. READ MORE.

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    Check out the Adult Writing Contest winning entries. READ MORE.

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    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

English Language Resources

Prince William Public Libraries (PWPL) provides materials and services for adults interested in learning English, improving their reading and writing skills, as well as materials for daily living and leisure time. Resources are also available for those adults working towards their high school diploma, GED, U.S. Citizenship, and other test preparations. All services and resources offered by the library are free.

Listen to the "The Travelling ELL Chronicles" podcast episode to learn more.


Books and Audios
Books and audiovisual materials geared to the new English speaker are available at all 12 libraries, with a larger collection at Bull Run, Central, Chinn Park, Haymarket Gainesville, Manassas City, Montclair, and Potomac Libraries. Audio materials include CDs and provide a person learning English with resources relating to pronunciation, grammar, idioms, and other basic language skills. Some resources are geared specifically toward speakers of Spanish, Korean, Hindi and other languages, while others are useful to any new English language learner.

Several online language learning tools are accessible by going to the Digital Library and selecting "Languages." These online resources provide interactive learning for those who want to learn English.

All of these resources are free to patrons with a valid library card.

Test Guides
PWPL provides test guides in such areas as citizenship, TOEFL, GED, etc., which exist both in print and digital. If you would like to see what is currently available, check our Online Catalog. Gale Presents: Peterson's Test Prep provide free online practice tests for both the GED and U.S. Citizenship test. Go to our Digital Library page at pwcva.gov/digitallibrary to access this resource. You will be prompted to enter your library card number to enter the database.


Conversation Programs
Bull Run, Central, Chinn Park, Haymarket Gainesville, Montclair, and Potomac Library provide regularly scheduled weekly sessions where beginning speakers can come and practice speaking English. Each group has a facilitator to assist with informal conversations and help improve attendees' listening skills and speaking abilities. This is not a class but an opportunity to practice English in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

English Conversation classes are also offered at our libraries. These more structured classes, offered by Literacy Volunteers – Prince William, a community partner of the Prince William Public Libraries, typically run 12 weeks. There is no charge for these classes. Please check Tutoring with the Literacy Volunteers of America for specific dates and times or visit Literacy Volunteers-PW's website at lvapw.org.