Get Moving in May! National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

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May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month—the perfect time to find an activity that you enjoy doing and get moving! Did you know that it is recommended that adults need at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week? There are so many benefits to getting regular physical activity including lowering your risk of heart disease and some cancers, helping to keep diabetes and high blood pressure under control and boosting your mood and improving your sleep. If you’re not sure where to begin with a fitness routine perhaps one of our personal trainers can help you get started. We offer complimentary personal training consultations at both Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center and Dale City Recreation Center.

For kids, sports can be a great way for kids to improve fitness and develop social skills. You can celebrate National Physical Fitness and Sports Month with your kids by encouraging them to find their own way to get moving in May.

We’ve got lots of fitness and sports activities coming up this summer so there are plenty of options to choose from to get active.

Aqua Zumba – Adapted Program

If you have a child with a disability we have adapted programs such as our Aqua Zumba class. Our certified Aqua Zumba instructor will lead participants through a fun but challenging, water-based, body-toning workout. Each participant can move at their own pace while following along with the instructor and the music. This program is modified for individuals with special needs.

Kids Triathlons

Do your kids enjoy a good challenge? Then sign them up for one of our kids triathlons this summer. Both our Victory at Vets Triathlon and our Kids for Kids Triathlon, along with the training clinics will definitely keep them active and may sparks a long-term interest.

Pilates Reformer

The versatility of the Pilates Reformer has made it one of the most popular and effective pieces of equipment used in fitness today. From activating your deep core muscles, to learning proper body alignment and breathing, to working through post injury rehabilitation, there is a fun and challenging class for all fitness levels. Our specialized small group fitness Reformer PLUS classes allow for a variety of other Pilates apparatuses to be used along with the Reformer during class including the Tower, Jump boards, Wunda Chairs, Spine Correctors and Barrel. These challenging and invigorating classes will help safely build muscular endurance, core strength balance, coordination and flexibility transform your body. Learn more and register for classes here.

Sports Clinics for Kids

We’re proud to offer numerous sports clinics and camps for kids. From basketball, volleyball and soccer, to skate camps and archery there are a variety of sports your child can choose from. Register early as these tend to fill up quickly.

We encourage you to get moving in May and stay active all-year long!

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