Microchipping Your Pet Can Ensure Their Safety and Well-Being at Fourth of July

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Summertime brings so many fun outdoor activities for families including our furry four-legged family members. With the Fourth of July holiday upon us, the Prince William Animal Control Bureau wants to remind families about pet safety. Loud noises may frighten your pet and he/she will look for a safe place to hide, which might not be at your home. That’s why microchipping your pet is so important.

Chipping your animals is a step in ensuring their safety and well-being. Microchipping is a simple and effective way to identify your pet if they ever get lost or stolen. It involves inserting a tiny chip, about the size of a grain of rice, under your pet’s skin. This chip contains a unique identification number that can be read by a scanner. If your pet ever gets lost, a microchip can help reunite you with your furry friend.

When a lost pet is brought to the Prince William County Animal Services Center they’ll be scanned for a chip. If a chip is found, the Center can use the identification number to contact the owner and reunite them with their pet. This doesn’t replace the need for collars and tags which can fall off or be removed but it does become a permanent form of identification. 

If you have taken that step to microchip your pet, please make sure the contact information on your file is up to date.

If you find yourself in the situation with a lost pet, please contact the Animal Control Bureau at 703-792-6464 to report your lost animal. You can also post your lost animal on Lost and Found Pets Prince William County VA at facebook.com/LostFoundPetsPWC

Ready to adopt a pet? The Animal Service Bureau microchips all animals that are adopted from the Center. Visit us to bring home your next family member. 


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