Home Repair and Renovation

You may also be interested to know:

VirginiaNavigator.org links older adults and their caregivers to resources, community programs, and services across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Visit this site to find more information about home repair and renovation services in your area.


Project Mend-A-House is a non-profit organization, serving veterans, older adults, the disabled and low-income residents of Prince William County, the City of Manassas, and Manassas Park. The focus of the Mend-a-House program is to make clients independent in their own homes by making their residences safe, secure, and sanitary. 
Project Mend-A-House also provide adaptive daily living aids such as motorized chairlifts (stair climbers), hospital beds, portable ramps, raised toilet seats, walkers, and scooters. 

If you need Project Mend-A-House services or know someone who does, begin by completing the PMAH Application form.



Habitat for Humanity Prince William County has been helping families achieve decent, safe and affordable housing since 1994 and invites people from all walks of life and faiths to work together in partnership to build, rehabilitation and repair homes with those in need.

Habitat for Humanity's Critical Home Repair, Home Preservation and Weatherization programs help low- to moderate-income homeowners make home repairs that alleviate health, life and safety issues or housing code violations.

From minor exterior repairs to critical home repairs and accessibility modifications, they give families a hand-up to live with dignity in safe, decent homes. Contact Habitat for Humanity at www.habitatpwc.org or 703-369-6708.