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Planning Office

Comprehensive Plan Amendments


Please use the new fee schedule for all applications submitted after June 30, 2024.

Forms and application packages have been updated for the new fiscal year.
Please use updated forms and applications dated July 2024 for any new submissions.

Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applications are reviewed annually after receiving applications no later than the first Friday of the calendar year.
Pending Comprehensive Plan Amendments

The Planning Office will still accept out-of-turn CPA applications which include the following:

  • Applications within the Potomac Communities (areas east of I-95);
  • Applications for designated targeted industries;
  • Applications within an existing, or creating a new, Center of Commerce or Center of Community;
  • Applications for commercial or mixed-use development with a commitment to a concurrent rezoning;
  • Re-designation of public land to private use or ownership.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) Process

CPA applications are submitted to the Planning Office for initial staff review. The Planning Office staff will prepare an analysis and recommendation for consideration by the Planning Commission at a public hearing. The Planning Commission is a standing advisory committee appointed by the Board of County Supervisors to provide recommendations on land-use issues. At a subsequent public hearing, the Board of County Supervisors will consider the case and the Planning Commission's recommendation, and either approve or deny the application. The Board action is final.
It is recommended that prior to submitting a CPA application, a prospective applicant call the Planning Office at 703-792-7615 to schedule a pre-application meeting with a planner. This allows for the early identification of possible issues regarding the property and the application. It also introduces the applicant to the review process.
If the CPA will have a concurrent rezoning application, the CPA should be initiated before the rezoning application is heard by the Planning Commission.

CPAs that have been filed may be found on the Pending Planning Cases Interactive Map Application or County Mapper.

Contact the Planning Office

To submit your comments, concerns or ideas on any pending comprehensive plan amendments, choose one of the options below: