  • info

    Nokesville Library will be closed on Friday, January 24, for maintenance.

  • info

    Winter Reading: Turn in your bookmark or track your progress on the Beanstack Tracker app by January 31. GO TO CHALLENGE

  • info

    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

  • info

    Prince William Public Libraries is introducing automatic renewal beginning July 1, 2024. READ MORE.

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  • info

    Nokesville Library will be closed on Friday, January 24, for maintenance.

  • info

    Winter Reading: Turn in your bookmark or track your progress on the Beanstack Tracker app by January 31. GO TO CHALLENGE

  • info

    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

  • info

    Prince William Public Libraries is introducing automatic renewal beginning July 1, 2024. READ MORE.

Mobile Printing



Library cardholders can print wirelessly to library printers from their computer, laptop, tablet, phone, or other mobile device. Once you have submitted your print job, you can pick up the job from a library print release station. Upload your document from any location and device.


► Create an account in SmartALEC using your library card number and pin/password.

► Upload your document(s)/file(s) to SmartALEC from your computer, laptop, tablet, cell phone, or other mobile device.

► From your computer or laptop, you can use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Safari web browser.

► From your mobile device, install the Smart Alec app:


 the app from the Apple iTunes store.

 the app from the Google Play store

► Prints are 15¢ per page for black and white and 50¢ per page for color. Cash, credit cards, and checks made payable to PWC are accepted.

► To print the documents you have uploaded, go to the Print Release Station at your library, sign in and send the document(s) to a black and white or color printer.



Prince William Public Libraries (PWPL) is not responsible for printing errors related to the configuration of your equipment or software.

You are solely responsible for the content of any transmissions and communications you send or receive using the SmartALEC service through PWPL's website or a personal device.

You agree not to distribute or otherwise publish, with the SmartALEC service, any communication and/or document which:

  1. Is obscene, indecent, pornographic, profane, sexually explicit, or abusive.
  2. Slanders, libels, or defames any person or entity.
  3. Infringes or violates the intellectual property rights, contract rights, or any other rights of any third party.
  4. Violates any applicable laws, rules, or regulations.
  5. Contains software viruses or any other malicious code designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.

You acknowledge that SmartAlec Mobile Printing is provided through Comprise Technologies, Inc., a private vendor, and that information shared through SmartAlec, including documents shared and uploaded through SmartAlec, are administered, stored, and transmitted by Comprise Technologies, Inc. You acknowledge that documents uploaded to SmartAlec are stored for a limited time; currently, documents are deleted after seven days.

You agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the Comprise Technologies SmartAlec Privacy Policy

By proceeding, you agree to accept and assume all risks and responsibilities for any losses and damages that may arise from your use of SmartAlec.

By proceeding, you agree to relieve and release Prince William County and PWPL, their employees, and agents from all liability for any and all damages resulting from the use of this service or interruption of service of any kind.