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Prince William Public Libraries

RELIC - Civil War Records

The Battle of Bull Run, VA., Sunday, July 21st, 1861—The Federal Army Advancing.The American Civil War figures importantly in the history of Prince William County. Two of the largest battles of the conflict took place here - First and Second battles of Manassas, also known as Bull Run (1861 and 1862). The Bristow Campaign (1863) was also a major action. First Confederate and then Union military forces occupied the county for the entire war (1861-1865). The Manassas National Battlefield Park is only a mile from our library. The County is preserving a portion of the Bristow Battlefield. Many local historic sites are linked to the events of that era.

Chasing the Civil War: A Pathfinder. A guide to many of the resources available for researching the War.

Civil War History Trail: Identifies many of the Civil War sites in Prince William County.

The Civil War in Prince William County, by Jan Townsend and James Burgess

Selected Digital Titles from RELIC's Collection:
Seventy-eight Years Ago: Bull Run Battlefield by Susan Morton
Signal Corps, U.S.A. Reunion 1902